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Asia Week Online Auction Sales Continue


Takahashi Hiroaki (Shotei) (1871-1945), A black cat, woodblock print, estimate: US$2,000-US$3,000, Christie’s Arts of Asia Online

While the New York auction rooms may be a bit more quiet this week, there are still fantastic Asian works of art on offer at Christie’s and iGavel’s online auction sales!

Be sure to check them out below as they are still open for bidding:


South Asian Modern + Contemporary Art Online
Online Auction: March 13–27

Arts of Asia Online
Online Auction: March 13–28

Chinese Works of Art from the Collection of Dorothy Tapper Goldman
Online Auction: March 13–29

To view and bid, click here.


Chinese Gilt Bronze Cloisonne Circular Box, Qianlong Mark and Period, estimate: US$5,000-US$8,000, iGavel The Collection of Charles A. Coolidge: Commander, American Legation, Peking, Circa 1900


The Shahmoon Family Collection of Asian, European and Other Works of Art
Presented by: Lark Mason Associates
Online Auction: March 12–April 2

Chinese and Other Works of Art
Presented by: iGavel Associates
Online Auction: March 19–April 4

The Collection of Charles A. Coolidge: Commander, American Legation, Peking, Circa 1900
Accompanied by his personal ledger and inventory of the collection acquired during his Beijing Assignment
Presented by: Lark Mason Associates
Online Auction: March 21–April 9

Asian Paintings and Works of Art from the Collection of Bruce and Barbara Sullivan, Birmingham, Alabama
Presented by: Lark Mason Associates
Upcoming Online Auction: April 2–18

To view and bid, click here.

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Asia Week Gallery Exhibitions Continue


Installation view, Landscape as Metaphor: Contemporary Voices, courtesy Alisan Fine Arts

Although we officially wrapped Asia Week New York March 2024, there are still wonderful ongoing gallery exhibitions available to view! Below is a list of shows in the city that welcome your visit:


Chinese Art
Alisan Fine Arts, Lui Shou-Kwan: Shifting Landscapes & Landscape as Metaphor: Contemporary Voices, through April 27
• Fu Qiumeng Fine Art, Literati and Rocks Amidst Verdant Bloom, through April 13
 Loewentheil Photography of China Collection, Dragon Women: Early Photographs of China, through May 15

Japanese Art
• Dai Ichi Arts, Ltd.Ceramic Frontiers: Sodeisha & Shikokai in Post-war Japanese Art, through March 28
 Ippodo Gallery, Cosmic Sound: Master Paintings by Ken Matsubara, through April 4
• Joan B Mirviss LTD, Eternal Partnership: Japanese Ceramics in Blue & White, through April 19
Onishi Gallery, KOGEI and Art , through May 24
SHIBUNKAKU, Postwar Japanese Calligraphy and Painting, through April 19

Korean Art
• HK Art & Antiques LLC, Korean Artists in Paris, through April 5
• MIYAKO YOSHINAGA, Joo Myung Duck: Sensory Space in Photography and its Conversation with Korean Abstract Painting, thrugh April 13

Also feel free to view all the dealer members’ Online Exhibitions here.

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Press Coverage of Asia Week New York March 2024


Detail from The New York Times online article from March 14, 2024

After these nine whirlwind days of exhibitions, auctions, lectures and tours, our 15th year of Asia Week New York garnered much attention and great press thanks to AWNY’s own Marilyn White, who brilliantly organized the PR efforts, prepared and distributed a campaign of press releases and outreach leading up to and supporting this year’s Asia Week.

Numerous press outlets highlighted the quality and diversity of exquisite works on display by our member galleries, auction houses and museums, including The New York Times, Apollo, artnet and World Journal. Decorator’s Insider provided a visual newsletter of fine artworks that was a feast for the eyes, while the New York Social Diary captured all the festivities and dedicated supporters of Asian art at The Met reception held last Monday evening.

Additional press coverage of Asia Week New York from the Observer, Antiques Trade Gazette, ARTNews and more can be found in our Press Room Section of the website, including this article in ArtDaily News highlighting important acquisitions made by museums from AWNY galleries.


Detail from ArtDaily News with image of work courtesy of Scholten Japanese Art and AWNY Asia Week New York banner.

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Staging the Supernatural: Ghosts and the Theater in Japanese Prints at the National Museum of Asian Art


Composite image: Akogi (detail), from the series Nōgaku zue, Tsukioka Kōgyo (1869–1927), Japan, Meiji era, March 1, 1899, woodblock print, ink and color on paper, Robert O. Muller Collection, Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, National Museum of Asian Art, Smithsonian Institution, S2003.8.2898; Nakamura Utaemon III as Taira no Tomomori (detail), Ryūsai Shigeharu (1803–1853), Publisher: Wataya Kihei (ca. 1809–1885), Japan, Edo period, 1831, woodblock print, ink and color on paper, The Anne van Biema Collection, Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, National Museum of Asian Art, Smithsonian Institution, S2004.3.279

Staging the Supernatural: Ghosts and the Theater in Japanese Prints
March 23 – October 6, 2024
Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Gallery 25

Throughout Japanese cultural history, the boundary between the real world and the world of supernatural beings has been remarkably porous. Certain sites, states of mind, or periods in the lunar cycle made humans particularly vulnerable to ghostly intervention. The Edo period (1603–1868) was a crucial stage in the development and solidification of ideas about the supernatural. Many of the beliefs that gained currency at this time are still held as conventional wisdom in Japan today.

Supernatural entities came to life especially during noh and kabuki theater performances. Explore—if you dare—the roles that ghosts and spirits play in the retelling of Japanese legends and real events. Staging the Supernatural brings together a collection of vibrant, colorful woodblock prints and illustrated books depicting the specters that haunt these two theatrical traditions.

To learn more, click here.

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Day 9 – Asia Week New York March 2024

Loewentheil Sing-Hing1200.jpg

Portrait of a Woman, Sang Hing Studio, 1860s, hand-colored albumen silver print, courtesy Loewentheil Photography of China Collection

On this last day of Asia Week, it’s your last chance to view the wonderful works on display by 22 of our dealer members, as well as online shows and sales and a Christie’s auction!

20 gallery exhibitions are open today with 2 additional online only shows. Click on each dealer and auction house for hours and locations:

Ancient and/or Contemporary Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian Art

Ancient and/or Contemporary Chinese Art

Pre-modern and/or Contemporary Japanese Art

Ancient and Contemporary Korean Art



  • 9 AM: Important Chinese Art Including the Collection of Dorothy Tapper Goldman Session II


  • Bonhams and Christie’s Online Auctions are open for bidding
  • iGavel is holding Auction Viewings and their Online Auctions are open for bidding

Refer to our Interactive Map in case you get lost!

And plan your last day of Asia Week with our handy Calendar of Events.

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San Antonio Museum of Art Opening teamLab: The World of Irreversible Change


teamLab, The World of Irreversible Change, 2022, interactive digital work, 6 channels, endless, sound: teamLab © teamLab, courtesy Pace Gallery

teamLab: The World of Irreversible Change
March 23, 2024 – March 23, 2025

The San Antonio Museum of Art is pleased to present a digital artwork by the international art collective teamLab alongside a seventeenth-century Japanese screen from SAMA’s collection.

The World of Irreversible Change resembles the format of historic Japanese screens such as Scenes in and Around Kyoto (Rakuchu Rakugai-zu), which presents a birds-eye view of the ancient capital city with major buildings and thoroughfares that are bustling with life. Viewers’ actions affect the artworld of a virtual city that is both somewhere in time and here and now and influence the behaviors of the people in it. Although its inhabitants may become agitated and cause destruction, regrowth of the virtual environment continues eternally, albeit forever changed.

Presented across six monitors, the artwork changes in real-time with the seasons, weather, and the time of day of its location. The artworks bring forward concepts including digital vs. analog, the recontextualization of art historical precedents, collective creativity, and humanity’s relationship to the environment.

teamLab (f. 2001) is an international art collective. Their collaborative practice seeks to navigate the confluence of art, science, technology, and the natural world. Through art, the interdisciplinary group of specialists, including artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians, and architects, aims to explore the relationship between the self and the world and new forms of perception.

To learn more, click here.

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Day 8 – Asia Week New York March 2024


Zhang Xiaoli (b. 1989), Rubik’s Rock Cube (魔方石), 2024, ink and gold on Xuan paper (纸本水墨金粉), 25 5/8 x 25 5/8 in. (65 x 65 cm), courtesy Fu Qiumeng Fine Art

There are still 23 AWNY member exhibitions, new auction sales, online shows and sales and an open house at the China Institute during these last few days of Asia Week!

21 gallery exhibitions are open today with 2 additional online only shows.
Click on each dealer and auction house for hours and locations:

Ancient and/or Contemporary Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian Art

Ancient and/or Contemporary Chinese Art

Pre-modern and/or Contemporary Japanese Art

Ancient and Contemporary Korean Art



  • 9 AM: Important Chinese Art Including the Collection of Dorothy Tapper Goldman


  • 10 AM: Indian & Himalayan Art


  • 10 AM: The Joseph and Elena Kurstin Collection of Inro
  • 12:30 PM: Fine Japanese and Korean Art including Japanese Screens from the Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Simone and Alan Hartman Collection of Japanese Art Part II


  • iGavel is holding Auction Viewings and their Online Auctions are open for bidding, including their newest sale, The Collection of Charles A. Coolidge: Commander, American Legation, Peking, Circa 1900 Accompanied by his personal ledger and inventory of the collection acquired during his Beijing Assignment
  • Bonhams and Christie’s Online Auctions are open for bidding
  • Open House at China Institute From 1-8pm, enjoy free admission and light refreshments as you experience their new exhibit, Shan Shui Reboot: Re-Envisioning Landscape for a Changing World

Refer to our Interactive Map in case you get lost!

And plan your last day of Asia Week with our handy Calendar of Events.

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John Pai: Eternal Moment at the Korean Cultural Center New York


Installation view, John Pai: Eternal Moment, Korean Cultural Center New York

Korean Cultural Center New York
John Pai: Eternal Moment
Through April 18, 2024

There is still more art to explore before Asia Week New York ends tomorrow!

Head over to the recently opened exhibit, John Pai: Eternal Moment, at the Korean Cultural Center in midtown Manhattan and explore the artist’s profound reflections on life and time.

The exhibition celebrates John Pai’s legacy as a seminal figure in the tapestry of Korean arts in New York City and the world. His life and works reflect the enduring spirit of innovation, artistry, and the rich narrative of Korean history.

This historical retrospective highlights works from Pai’s oeuvre. From his earliest works as a young graduate student at Pratt Institute in the 1960’s with influences from early Constructivism, the show spans over six decades, giving a comprehensive understanding of the vast breadth of Pai’s artistic realm and his unwavering dedication to his craft and vision. Included in this landmark show are excerpts from the artist’s oral history with historian Leyla Vural conducted in the summer of 2021, and the unveiling of an intimate cinematic portrait of the artist, commissioned by the Korean Cultural Center New York (KCCNY).

Eternal Moment is an exploration of Pai’s past, present, and future – an insight into the timeless connections that define our shared human experience. Pai’s works are a fitting inauguration for the KCCNY’s new space, as he symbolizes a bridge between the past and future, through his cultural journey and the universal language of art.

To learn more, click here.

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Day 7 – Asia Week New York March 2024


A seated ascetic visited by female devotees at a shrine, Devgandhar ragini, illustration to a Ragamala, Hyderabad, c.1760-70, Folio 29.5 x 20.5 cm; Painting 20.5 x 13.1 cm, opaque watercolor and gold on paper, courtesy Francesca Galloway

Asia Week continues with 23 AWNY member exhibitions, new auction sales, online shows and sales, lectures, and a museum opening reception!

21 gallery exhibitions are open today with 2 additional online only shows.
Click on each dealer for hours and locations:

Ancient and/or Contemporary Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian Art

Ancient and/or Contemporary Chinese Art

Pre-modern and/or Contemporary Japanese Art

Ancient and Contemporary Korean Art



  • 9 AM: Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian Works of Art
  • 11 AM: South Asian Modern + Contemporary Art Including Works from the Collection of Umesh and Sunanda Gaur


  • 9 AM: Chinese Art Session II


  • 10 AM: Asian Works of Art Part II


  • 11 AM: The Richard C. Blum and Senator Dianne Feinstein Collection of Himalayan Art
  • 1 PM: Indian, Himalayan & Southeast Asian Art

Heritage Auctions

  • 11 AM: Asian Art Signature® Auction Live Sales (Lots 78001-78255) Live in Dallas, TX, Phone, Mail, Fax, Internet and Heritage Live
  • 4:30 PM: Asian Art Signature® Auction Online Sales (Lots 78256-78416) Mail, Fax, Internet and Heritage Live
  • Proxy bidding ends ten minutes prior to the session start time. Live Proxy bidding on Heritage Live starts 7 days before the live session begins and continues through the session.


Check out our Interactive Map in case you get lost!

And plan the rest of your eventful Asia Week with our handy Calendar of Events.

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Upcoming Lecture on Radical Clay at The Art Institute of Chicago


Left: Yamaguchi Mio. Shura, 2020. Carol & Jeffrey Horvitz Collection of Contemporary Japanese Ceramics; Right: Hosono Hitomi. A Very Large Pine Tree Pool, 2019. Scottish National Museum. © 2023 Hitomi Hosono

The Art Institute Chicago
Conversation: Hosono Hitomi and Yamaguchi Mio on Radical Clay
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Fullerton Hall

Join curator Janice Katz and catalogue editor Joe Earle for a conversation on the current exhibition, Radical Clay: Contemporary Women Artists from Japan, with ceramicists Hosono Hitomi and Yamaguchi Mio this Saturday, March 23rd at 2pm!

Hosono Hitomi (b.1978) has built a career crafting complex botanical sculptures that recreate dense foliage in molded porcelain. Yamaguchi Mio (b.1992) mimics nature’s repetitions, pleating and folding clay to evoke a world that is almost aquatic. Both artists present striking perspectives on ceramics, globally and in Japan. Hear about their creative processes, techniques, inspiration, and thoughts on the current and future state of clay art in this exciting conversation.

To learn more and register, click here.

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