Zhang Xiaoli (b. 1989), Rubik’s Rock Cube (魔方石), 2024, ink and gold on Xuan paper (纸本水墨金粉), 25 5/8 x 25 5/8 in. (65 x 65 cm), courtesy Fu Qiumeng Fine Art
There are still 23 AWNY member exhibitions, new auction sales, online shows and sales and an open house at the China Institute during these last few days of Asia Week!
21 gallery exhibitions are open today with 2 additional online only shows.
Click on each dealer and auction house for hours and locations:
Ancient and/or Contemporary Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian Art
- Art Passages (online exhibition only)
- Oliver Forge and Brendan Lynch Ltd.
- Francesca Galloway
- Kapoor Galleries
- Carlton Rochell Asian Art
Ancient and/or Contemporary Chinese Art
- Alisan Fine Arts
- Ralph M. Chait Galleries
- Fu Qiumeng Fine Art
- INKstudio (by appointment only)
- Kaikodo LLC (online exhibition only)
- Loewentheil Photography of China Collection
- Zetterquist Galleries
Pre-modern and/or Contemporary Japanese Art
- Dai Ichi Arts, Ltd.
- Ippodo Gallery
- Sebastian Izzard Asian Art
- Joan B Mirviss LTD
- Onishi Gallery
- Scholten Japanese Art
- Shibunkaku
- TAI Modern
- Thomsen Gallery
Ancient and Contemporary Korean Art
- 9 AM: Important Chinese Art Including the Collection of Dorothy Tapper Goldman
- 10 AM: Indian & Himalayan Art
- 10 AM: The Joseph and Elena Kurstin Collection of Inro
- 12:30 PM: Fine Japanese and Korean Art including Japanese Screens from the Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Simone and Alan Hartman Collection of Japanese Art Part II
- iGavel is holding Auction Viewings and their Online Auctions are open for bidding, including their newest sale, The Collection of Charles A. Coolidge: Commander, American Legation, Peking, Circa 1900 Accompanied by his personal ledger and inventory of the collection acquired during his Beijing Assignment
- Bonhams and Christie’s Online Auctions are open for bidding
- Open House at China Institute From 1-8pm, enjoy free admission and light refreshments as you experience their new exhibit, Shan Shui Reboot: Re-Envisioning Landscape for a Changing World
Refer to our Interactive Map in case you get lost!
And plan your last day of Asia Week with our handy Calendar of Events.