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Upcoming ZOOM Talk Hosted by Joan B Mirviss LTD Art of the People: Exploring the Mingei Film Archive


Hamada Shōji (1894-1978), Very large shallow bowl with nuka (rice-husk) white glaze ground with ladle-poured iron-glazed black trailing design, ca 1950-1960, glazed stoneware, 19 3/4 x 4 1/2 in.; Photo by Richard Goodbody; Courtesy Joan B Mirviss LTD

ZOOM Gallery Talk
Art of the People: Exploring the Mingei Film Archive
Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 5pm EDT

Mark your calendar next Thursday, the 18th for this upcoming ZOOM Gallery Talk hosted by Joan B Mirviss LTD.

Perhaps one of the best-known aspects of Japanese ceramics in the West remains the Mingei folk art movement and its leading proponents, Hamada Shōji and Bernard Leach. Because of their advocacy and publicly facing roles, aided greatly by the medium of film, the timeless qualities of Mingei have figured prominently in the perception of Japanese art in the West throughout the twentieth century. For this unique ZOOM Gallery Talk, filmmaker Marty Gross shares with us his extraordinary mission to restore, record, preserve, and archive the films of and about Mingei from the early twentieth century in his project, The Mingei Film Archive. He will share with us rare footage of prewar Japan and of pottery production in centers such as Tamba and Mashiko. As a potter himself, Marty Gross shares with us how the Mingei Film Archive developed and how his personal journey merged his two great artistic interests to create this remarkable and irreplaceable resource for ceramics and for Japanese art lovers.

Marty Gross, filmmaker and founder of The Mingei Film Archive, based in Toronto, Canada
Moderated by Joan Mirviss

To register for this free event, click here.

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