Exhibition view, Alchi: Visions of Enlightenment, Tibet House US
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
and Thursday, June 22, 2023
6-7:30pm (in person)
You may attend one or both sessions
Suggested Donation: $20 or $40
Jeff Watt, a leading scholar of Himalayan Art and founding curator at the Rubin Museum of Art (RMA) in New York City, will discuss the iconography in Peter Van Ham’s monumental photographs of Alchi Monastery, currently on immersive display in the Tibet House Gallery.
The Alchi murals are a part of the main features of the cultural heritage of Ladakh, and the complex of monastic temples with breathtakingly preserved art from the 11th centuries have become a significant tourist destination.
Choosing specific aspects of the exhibition, Jeff will give a guided tour discussing the technical skill, taste, and finesse of the Alchi artists.
*The walk through docent tour will be recorded and made available to all registered participants*