Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Gates, Central Park, New York, 2005
Spirituality in Southeast Asian Art with Tyler Rollins, Asia Society Hong Kong
Online program, 10-11am, Friday, January 21, 2022 (HKT)/9-10pm, Thursday, January 20, 2022 (EST)
A virtual conversation between Tyler Rollins and S. Alice Mong uncovering the hidden nuances of spirituality in Southeast Asian Art across the region and over Tyler’s twenty-year career from Asia to the Americas. With the launch of his Foundation for Spirituality and the Arts (FSA) and a career in contemporary art, commercial galleries, and global collections, Tyler has switched the focus to supporting emerging artists and communities that delve into spirituality. As he navigates the lines between cross-cultural communication, new art expressions and the role that museums and institutions play in the eco-system. Tune in to our fireside chat to find out what is defining the eco-system and how it’s changed.
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