Eternal Currents: The Tidal Impact of Japanese Women Clay Artists and Charting a Course for the Future , Joan B Mirviss LTD
Zoom webinar, Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 5pm ET
The massive surge in innovation and international stature of Japan’s contemporary ceramic arts can be traced to the rapid incorporation of women into the field in just the past few decades. Once they were finally allowed to get their hands in clay, women artists have provided a burst of creative energy that has pushed the medium into unexpected directions. To discuss the sea change in Japan’s venerated centuries-old, male-dominated ceramic tradition, gallery artist Hayashi Kaku will be joined by Professor Todate Kazuko, a highly respected scholar of Japanese ceramics, and curator Russell Kelty, who recently organized a Japanese sculptural ceramics exhibition at the Art Gallery of South Australia and authored the accompanying handsome publication. Each panelist will examine, from their unique perspective, the unstoppable tide of creative talent from Japanese women clay artists, and at the same time reflect upon the accompanying challenges for them in charting a course through unknown waters.
RUSSELL KELTY, Curator, Asian Art at Art Gallery of South Australia (AGSA), Adelaide, Australia
TODATE KAZUKO, Professor at Tama Art University, Tokyo and respected scholar of ceramics
MINA LEVIN, Japanese clay art collector and museum patron based in North Carolina
Moderated by JOAN MIRVISS
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