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Tradition Redefined: Rosanjin and His Rivals at Joan B Mirviss LTD

An online discussion on Zoom with Japanese art experts
to open Asia Week New York 2021
Wednesday March 10 at 5pm EST

Kitaōji Rosanjin (1883-1959) has long been hailed as one of the greatest ceramists of the twentieth century. While he forged a remarkable career, it was not without first crossing paths, and even colliding, with many of his contemporaries who were themselves renowned ceramic masters: Arakawa Toyozō, Fujiwara Kei, Kaneshige Tōyō, Katō Tokurō, Kawakita Handeishi, and Koyama Fujio.

Our panel of experts will re-examine the legend of Rosanjin as TRADITION REDEFINED places his oeuvre in dialogue with works by these other mid-century titans. They will discuss how some were indispensable to the advancement of Rosanjin’s outsized reputation, and how most remain relatively unknown in the West today.


LOUISE CORT, curator emerita of ceramics, National Museum of Asian Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

JOAN CUMMINS, Lisa and Bernard Selz Curator of Asian Art at the Brooklyn Museum, New York

MEGHEN JONES, Associate Professor of Art History, School or Art and Design, Alfred University

KURODA KUSAOMI of Shibuya Kurodatoen Co., LTD, the foremost modern ceramics gallery in Japan

Discussion moderated by JOAN MIRVISS

Contact [email protected] to RSVP. Space is limited.