Bruneaf Tribal, Thomas Murray
Brussels, June 15-19, 2022
Online exhibition
This week in Brussels, Bruneaf fair takes place, one of the world's largest gatherings of Non-European Tribal Art for dealers, specialists, and collectors. Established in 1988, Bruneaf holds two fairs each year, with the June fair as the primary one.
California-based Thomas Murray, independent researcher, collector, lecturer, author and private dealer of Asian, tribal and textile art, again participates in this fair with an online exhibition that features Variations in Human Figure Sculpture from the Indonesian islands and a very early Dayak Shield from Borneo.
L-R: Early Shield with Double Demon Face, Dayak People, Borneo, 19th century, wood and pigment,
40 x 14 in. (102 x 38 cm) and Tun Tun Babi Pig Trap Charm, Iban Dayak, Sarawak, Borneo, 19th-very early 20th century, wood, 20 in. (53.3 cm )
Descriptions and multiple photos of these rare and fine works of art can be found in the Bruneaf online catalogue, click here and on Thomas Murray's website, click here.