Bingyi (b.1975, Beijing), Taihang Rhapsody 太行赋, 2022-2023, ink on paper 纸本水墨, 370 x 1200 cm; Courtesy INKstudio
Bingyi: The Eyes of Chaos
November 18, 2023 – February 25, 2024
Opening: Saturday, Nov 18 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm
INKstudio is proud to announce the opening of Bingyi’s third solo exhibition with the gallery entitled Bingyi: The Eyes of Chaos. As an artist, architectural designer, curator, cultural critic, and social activist, Bingyi has developed a multi-faceted practice that encompasses land-and-environmental art, site-specific architectural installation, musical and literary composition, ink painting, performance art, and filmmaking.
In The Eyes of Chaos, INKstudio will debut Bingyi’s latest grand, speculative narrative about Art and its relationship to Nature, Literature, History and Politics as retold or reimagined from a woman’s point of view.
To learn more, click here.