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In search of Asian Art, Day 7

Tamagawa Norio (b. 1942), Living National Treasure, Mokume-gane Vase 050, 1996, Hammered Silver, copper and shakudo (alloy-copper, gold), courtesy of Onishi Gallery

A couple of galleries, both showing contemporary Asian art, are located downtown.

The exhibition The Eternal Beauty of Metal at Onishi Gallery at 521 West 26th Street, demonstrates that the masters of contemporary Japanese metal art are distinct in their personal modes of expression but united in their embrace of traditional methods.

The Rubin Museum of Art at 150 West 17th Street, is in the same part of town, and their newly opened traveling exhibition, Awaken: A Tibetan Buddhist Journey Toward Enlightenment, showcases the power of Tibetan Buddhist art to focus and refine awareness.

Face, 2021, oil on canvas, courtesy of Chambers Fine Art

The exhibition at Chambers Fine Art at 55 East 11th Street, Egami Etsu: Facebook, is the artist’s first New York exhibition.  Born in Japan in 1994, she focuses on the universally significant theme of the human face in her paintings.