Installation view, History Painting: Jason Salavon
History Painting: Jason Salavon
Closing Saturday, December 28, 2024
1601 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM
During this holiday break, don’t miss the chance to experience the innovative artwork of American artist Jason Salavon on view at TAI Modern. History Painting employs a host of “custom software, imaginings, and elbow grease,” to reinterpret the history of the universe via eight-hundred idiosyncratic encyclopedic entries created by Salavon.
As a pioneering and internationally recognized artist who has created generative and data-driven artwork since the 1990s, Salavon debuts new processes that stretch and contract the understanding of generative AI in History Painting. Launching from the art historical tradition of sixteenth and seventeenth century history painting, he uses digital techniques that he has been honing and innovating for the past thirty years to tell the story of the universe in four large panels—Origins, Emergence, Sapiens, and Modernity. These digitally layered art objects, shown in concert with looping animations made from the same prompts, exist on the cutting-edge of where, Salavon says, “the technical and the conceptual start to bleed into one another.”
To learn more, click here.