Vajrapani Mandala, Tibet, 14th/15th century, Distemper on cloth, 25 5/8 x 19¾ in. (65 by 50 cm)
March 14 – 22, 2024
Asia Week Hours: Mar 14, 16, 18-22, 10am-6pm; Mar 15, 10am-5pm; Mar 17, 11am-5pm (otherwise by appointment)
Opening Reception: Friday, March 15, 5-9pm
Adam Williams Fine Art 24 East 80th Street
Carlton Rochell Asian Art is pleased to present paintings, sculptures, and ritual objects from Tibet, Nepal, and India for this year’s Asia Week New York. Many of the works are drawn from international private collections and have been exhibited in various museum exhibitions. Highlights include a group of Tibetan Buddhist paintings (thangkas) which are of outstanding quality. They look forward to inviting you to their exhibition at Adam Williams Fine Art at 24 E. 80th Street.
Manuscript Cover with Prajnaparamita, Bhaishajyaguru, and Vairocana, Tibet, 14th century, Polychrome and gilding on wood, 10½ by 27 in. (26.5 by 68.6 cm.)
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