The Architectonics of Form: Scrolls by Ganesh Haloi,
Akar Prakar New Delhi
November 23, 2022-Janaury 10, 2023
The scrolls by Ganesh Haloi, are cartographic mappings of the layered sensations that have impressed upon him for decades. Beginning with the steady lyricism of Ajanta murals, resonant whispers of the varying landscapes, rhythmicity of the alpana forms, structurality of manmade interventions and the poetics of space. The architectonics of his visual forms are derived from and yet not limited by these layered impressions and the scrolls presented for the first time in this exhibition extends the survey into the dynamics of space as sound.
There are two primary aspects that trigger the perceptive construction of the forms in Haloi’s scrolls. One is the aspect of space as perceived by the Chinese artist, enhancing the void with the minimalistic spontaneous brush strokes that exemplifies the Daoist ideal of being in harmony with nature, devoid of the self. Dhvani, a theory of suggestions and revelations is the other binding element in Haloi’s composite forms and relations to space.
Haloi’s architectonics derives from the process of integrality. To experience and express nature as a whole. Synchronizing its lyricism, rhythm, resonance, structurality and poetics into a coherent formula. This process abstracts the physicality of forms, and its psychological translucency of meanings and sensations into a sonic algorithm—enfolding, unfolding, and refolding the space-time flux into a continuous act of abstraction, until the self-image is integral to a visual formula of sonic symbolism. The void/space impregnated with dhvani, gives birth to this pulsating architectonic of form.