Twin Phoenix Crown, Chinese, Liao, 907-1125, gilt copper, San Antonio Museum of Art
Riders from the North: The Qidan—Their Culture, Lifestyle and Beliefs, Jenny So
San Antonio Museum of Art
March 22, 6-7pm CDT/7-8pm EDT
Delivered live and streamed
This lecture, delivered by Dr. Jenny So, Professor of Fine Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, will explore the relationship between the artistic legacy of the Qidan, founders of China’s first major foreign dynasty, and their multi-cultural background. Dr. So will discuss how the Qidans’ hunting and herding livelihood among pine-covered hills in the north and semi-deserts in the west are revealed by the artifacts they made for use in life and burial in death. Illustrations will be drawn from the collection of the San Antonio Museum of Art and recent archaeological discoveries in China.
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