Jonathan Yukio Clark (born 1987), Sakura in Volcanic Landscape, 2022, monotype print on washi, koa, sugi, tinted hydrocal, 21 x 62 x 5.5 in. (53.3 x 157.5 x 14 cm.) © Jonathan Yukio Clark, Courtesy:
“In the Space of the Near and Distant”- Solo Exhibition by Jonathan Yukio Clark
Concludes April 30
MIYAKO YOSHINAGA organized for Asia Week this successful solo exhibition by Hawaiʻi-based Japanese-American artist Jonathan Yukio Clark. The artworks on view consist of monotype prints and sculptures informed by the traditional Japanese living space, where the transience of nature and human life are closely connected through, for example, a garden which “borrows” the scenery of the outside landscape. For Clark, the concept of borrowed scenery or shakkei means not only the visual borrowing of expansive vistas framed through such gardens or architectural features, but also the spiritual incorporation of impermanence into the stability of built or inhabited spaces.
The gallery is open from 11am to 6pm and located on East 64th Street in Manhattan. Read more, click here